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  • Writer's pictureDJ

And so it began...

I am by no means a great writer but I love to read, so I want to give back to those who share their work with me. In case you don't know there is a site on the internet (and an app) called Goodreads. For the past year I have used it to keep track of the books I have read and to help me meet my reading goals I set for myself. Then last month (January 18, 2019 to be exact) something amazing happened, I found the giveaway page. Let me tell you, there are tons of authors and publishers who want you to read their books and so they give them away! For FREE!!! There is no money exchanged, no credit cards needed. All they ask is that you leave a review of their book and tell your friends about them. In just over a month I have won 41 books, 9 books that they will ship to me and kindle books that they sent me through my Amazon Kindle.

There are books for everyone in the family in their giveaways. Whether you are looking for a romance, fantasy, sci-fy, horror, political, children's books or pretty much any genre you can think of they will have something for you to sign up to win. At first I was only signing up for mostly romance books, but then I thought why not expand what I sign up for and see if I like other genres too. Guess what? I actually do! This program has really helped me grow my literary knowledge of all genre's. Now I want to pass my findings on to you, my friends, family, and (hopefully) followers. I hope that you can find a book worth reading from my reviews. Happy reading! ~ DJ

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